LIAT has been a serious presence in the industry since 2009, and from the beginning we’ve maintained our drive to improve. We believe in preparing our customers for what’s next and that means listening. Call us, and a person will answer the phone. We want to know what you’re passionate about and how we can help.
We'll make sure your experience is
personal & connected.
With LIAT you’ll get more than you expect. Our products rival the quality of the big names, but our nimble team is obsessed with your satisfaction and will go above and beyond to ensure it. You are not a client, you are our personal passion.

Our lawyers wouldn’t let us offer a million year warranty.
You're going to like working with us.
The LIAT team is filled with passionate people, each bringing an incredible amount of expertise to keep us ahead of the curve. Working with LIAT means you’ll get to know us and see firsthand how we immerse ourselves in creating our products and cultivating trust and relationships with our customers.
Who We've Worked With

Suffolk County Community College
Fort Mill Elementary
Fulton County Schools
University of Montevallo
University of Texas at San Antonio
Collierville High School
Charleston Air Force Base
Appalachian State University
Kennesaw State University
Boston Public Schools
Texas A&M University
The University of Akron
Western Kentucky University
Lane Tech High School
University of Minnesota
Phoenix School of Law
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Queensbury High School
Houston Public Library
Buffalo Ridge Elementary School
Denver Public Library